Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Online Example of an Independent Variable Tutors

Online Example of an Independent Variable Tutors Independent variable means the variable which is not dependent on others. Example of an independent variable is in the equation mentioned below. Example: - y = x + 4, here x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. The independent variable always helps to find out the value of unknown dependent variable. This tool use step by step method to evaluate the value of dependent variable based on value of independent variable. This can be better clarified by taking the suitable examples. The examples are shown below:- Question 1:- Find the value of dependent variable if the value of independent variable x is 10 and the relation between dependent and independent variable is as follows:- y= x + 10 Solution 1:- Given y = x + 10 Here x is independent variable and y is dependent variable. Also it is given that the value of independent variable x is 10. So, y = 10 + 10 which is equal to 20. Hence the value of dependent variable y is equal to 20. Question 2:- Find the value of dependent variable if the value of independent variable x is 100 and the relation between dependent and independent variable is as follows:- y= x + 20 Solution 2:- Given y = x + 20 Here x is independent variable and y is dependent variable. Also it is given that the value of independent variable x is 100. So, y = 100 + 20 which is equal to 120. Hence the value of dependent variable y is equal to 120.

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