Thursday, March 5, 2020

The 5 Types Of Students You Meet In Business School

The 5 Types Of Students You Meet In Business School Do you want to avoid this girl? Maybe not. She could very possibly have connections around campus and know all the best bars in town. It doesn’t hurt to have a tour guide if you are new to the town you decided to go to school in. 2. The Do-Gooder This is the type of person who never let anyone take a tiny, little glance at their homework during undergrad. And, to my best prediction, even if he/she is over 21, they will still feel guilty for drinking the night before an exam. Honestly, they might not even be smart, so don’t bother trying to befriend them to get some of their knowledge. All I know is that he or she plays by the rules a little too much. 3. The Know-It-All Don’t get a know-it-all and do-gooder confused with each other. They very well might have some of the same qualities, but I believe it’s better to befriend someone who knows too much than someone who won’t even help out with what they have. Now by no means should you try to cheat in business school because this is your life now. However, we all need assistance every once in a while. I recommend befriending this person if you find him or her in a particularly difficult class. How will you identify them? According to, they “have an answer, comment or opinion for every question, whether right or wrong. They’ll keep their hands up for so long they’ll have body-builder-toned arms, and they’ll go off on so many tangents they’ll sound like they’re getting over a case of mono. If they’re a member of any gender, cultural, political or geographical group, they will always find a way to tie any point made in class to their backgroundâ€" “As a _____, I can personally relate to the readings because of the author’s sense of ______.” If you can handle their need to insert their (always correct) opinion every time you work together, then go ahead and get to know them. 4. The Party Animal It’s hard to imagine this person when they weren’t 21. Now that everyone is of age, you can expect him or her to be at the bar almost every night, and trying to drag you along. Never, ever count on him or her to be in class before 11 a.m. How to identify the party animal? Almost too easy. Look for sweatpants and dark sunglasses, accompanied by a dark colored container that doesn’t exactly smell like coffee. If you’re looking for a good time, hit this person up for a night on the town. 5. The Potato This person typically never shows up for anything. They don’t like to try and would rather binge watch Bloodline on Netflix than do their research paper. You should never really count on the potato for any group projects.  You can find them rolled into a ball on their couch covered in crumbs from the night before. How do you find this person? You don’t. Learn more about Kaplan’s test prep options and start building the confidence you need for Test Day.

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